ニュースルーム 全て表示202120202019201820172016種類ニュースリリースメディア掲載 メディアからのお問い合わせ 2019/07/10 ウェストフェリアの物流センター計画:40万平方メートルにおよぶ規模 The Prince George’s County Planning Board will consider a detailed site plan July 18 for a merchandise logistics center at Westpha[…] 2019/07/01 アマゾン社 プリンス・ジョージズ郡へ参入か? The Prince George’s County Planning Board Thursday approved a major change to the layout of the 500-acre Westphalia Town Center, c[…] 2019/01/24 Walton Group of Companies Announces Neil Narfason as New Cfo The Walton Group of Companies announced that, on 2nd January 2019, Neil Narfason, joined Walton Global as Chief Financial Officer. In this new role, Narfason will lead the Finance & Accounting group of Walton Global. As a senior member of the management team, Neil will play a vital role in helping to shape the future of the Walton Group of… Press Release 2018/12/17 底堅い米国住宅市場 Homeownership rates in the US have gradually been stabilising since 2008, in tandem with the recovery of the domestic housingmarke[…] 2018/12/15 Tax increment financing bonds issued for Walton’s Westphalia town center development CALGARY, Alberta — Walton Westphalia Development Corporation (the “Corporation“) announced today that Prince George’s County Maryland issued $39,755,000 of its tax increment financing (TIF) bonds for public infrastructure projects in and around Westphalia Town Center. The bond sale proceeds are immediately available for the developer to design and… Financial Post 2018/12/10 Walton’s Westphalia Town Center Development Completes Refinancing Program CALGARY, Alberta–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Walton Westphalia Development Corporation (the “Corporation”) announced today that the refinancing (the “Refinancing”) of the Corporation’s debt relating to the Westphalia project (the “Project”), has been completed. Capitalized terms used in this news release and not defined herein have the meanings given to… View Full Release 2018/12/07 Chunk of Westphalia in Prince George’s County to be sold The master developer behind the 310-acre Westphalia Town Center project in Prince George’s County has a deal to sell a healthy chunk of the property to a single buyer. Walton Westphalia Development Corp. announced late last month that it has entered into a conditional purchase and sale agreement “for a bulk sale of the Phase 1A lands.” Ed… View Full Release 2018/12/05 2018 Tax Increment Financing Bonds Issued for Walton’s Westphalia Town Center Development CALGARY, Alberta–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Walton Westphalia Development Corporation (the “Corporation”) announced today that Prince George’s County Maryland issued $39,755,000 of its tax increment financing (TIF) bonds for public infrastructure projects in and around Westphalia Town Center. The bond sale proceeds are immediately available for the… View Full Release 2018/11/29 WALTON BIG LAKE DEVELOPMENT L.P. REPORTS THIRD QUARTER 2018 FISCAL RESULTS CALGARY, Alberta — Walton Big Lake Development L.P. (the “Partnership”), and its general partner, Walton Big Lake Development Corporation (the “General Partner”), announced today the Partnership’s financial results for the third quarter of 2018. Launched in 2010, the Partnership owns a residential project in northwest Edmonton, Alberta. The… View Full Release 2018/11/29 WALTON WESTPHALIA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REPORTS THIRD QUARTER 2018 FISCAL RESULTS CALGARY, Alberta — Walton Westphalia Development Corporation (the “Corporation”) announced today its results for the third quarter of 2018. Launched in March 2012, the Corporation was formed to provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the acquisition and development of the 310-acre Westphalia Property (the “Property or the… View Full Release Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>もっと読み込む</span>