ニュースルーム 全て表示202120202019201820172016種類ニュースリリースメディア掲載 メディアからのお問い合わせ 2021/08/05 高い需要を受けて米国住宅成長ファンドを設立 ウォルトン社は、米国の住宅建設業者による土地に対する需要の高まりをサポートすると同時に、全米の登録投資顧問、機関投資家、ファミリーオフィス投資家に、現在の米国住宅市場の成長に参入する機会を提供することを目的とした新規事業「米国住宅成長ファンド」を立ち上げました。 2021/07/21 ノースカロライナ州に位置する土地275エーカーをM/Iホームズ社へ売却 – 300戸の戸建住宅建設を計画 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion and more than 98,000 acres under management[…] 2021/07/13 D.R.ホートン社、フロリダ州にタウンハウスの増設を検討 D.R. Horton will build 335 townhomes in Atria at Ridgewood Lakes and the adjacent Greystone West neighborhood. (Dewberry).[…] 2021/07/12 フロリダ州ヴァレアの開発第1期をD.R.ホートン社へ売却 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion and more than 98,000 acres under management[…] 2021/07/08 U.S. Build-for-Rent Housing Joint Venture Opens Opportunity Nationwide SVN | SFR Capital Management, a private commercial real estate investment firm dedicated to the single-family Build-for-Rent (“BFR”) housing sector, and Walton Global Holdings USA announced the formation of a joint venture that will construct and operate BFR single-family residential rental home communities nationwide. The partnership anticipates new construction of multiple BFR communities annually over the next several years. The first purpose-built communities are slated to commence development in 2022 in Colorado and Texas. 2021/06/30 アリゾナ州のグローバル本社及び米国内の役員就任を発表 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion and more than 98,000 acres under management[…] 2021/06/28 Riding the rebound Speaking to MEA Finance Magazine, Tim Haywood, General Manager, Regional Vice President, Walton International Group Ltd. said that the outbreak of the pandemic has accelerated demand in the residential sector, and national home builders have seen a significant jump in home closings and quarterly earnings 2021/06/28 ヴェラノ米国土地開発融資機会プロジェクトの投資家に最初の繰延べ支払いを実施 Walton is excited to announce its first deferred payment to investors in the Verano LAD financing project that will be made on Jun[…] 2021/06/25 国際的な不動産投資会社が賃貸住宅市場に参入、コロラド州で数百戸の住宅建設を計画 An international real estate asset management company that owns 81,000 acres nationwide is making a big play for the wildly popula[…] 2021/06/23 米国内81,000エーカーの土地ポートフォリオを活用し、戸建賃貸市場に参入 Walton Global Holdings has launched a build-to-rent (BTR) line of business that will leverage its more than 81,000 acres of land a[…] Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>もっと読み込む</span>