ニュースルーム 全て表示202120202019201820172016種類ニュースリリースメディア掲載 メディアからのお問い合わせ 2016/08/05 ウォルトン カルガリー市北東部のコミュニティーを発表 Everybody loves a parade. And this fall, house hunters will have a hearty lineup of show homes across the Calgary area to explore […] 2016/08/03 ウォルトン、リッチバーグ近辺の286エーカーの広大な土地を購入 A Canadian-based real estate developer, the Walton International Group, has purchased a 286-acre tract of land off of S.C. Highway[…] 2016/07/20 WALTON WESTPHALIA AND US DEVELOPER ENTER INTO AGREEMENT FOR RETAIL PORTION OF WESTPHALIA PROPERTY View Full Release 2016/06/29 MAJOR DEVELOPER BRINGING ANOTHER AGE-RESTRICTED COMMUNITY TO SUMTER COUNTY Sumter County commissioners Tuesday night approved rezoning, a development agreement and a land use plan amendment for Panasoffkee Preserve, another large age-restricted community planned along State Road 44 about 2.5 miles west of Interstate 75. Before the commission voted, public hearings were held on each aspect of the project. Although 400… Village-News.com 2016/05/23 SANCTUARY AT SOUTHGATE ROUNDABOUT COMPLETE UNION COUNTY, NC (May 23, 2016) – The intersection of North Rocky River Road and Poplin Road in Union County, North Carolina has re-opened. The construction of a roundabout, which was designed to improve safety and mobility through the Sanctuary at Southgate mixed-use, master-planned community is complete and open to traffic. Walton contributed… 2016/04/15 順調に進む多目的プロジェクト テキサス・コールドウェル郡 To the outward eye, it may appear that development in rural Caldwell County has stalled. However, those “in the know” suggest that[…] 2016/03/18 エドモントンのヘンリー・ハイツに徒歩圏の幼・小中一貫校開校 Located in Edmonton’s west end, and connected to anywhere you would want to go via major thoroughfares like Stony Plain Road, Whit[…] 2016/03/08 2019年にダラス・フォートワースに州立大学開校予定 Tarleton State University has set January 2019 as the target date for opening its new campus in southwest Fort Worth, and the scho[…] 2016/03/07 テネシー州デービッドソン郡南西部に118戸におよぶ住宅開発予定 Regent Homes has all 118 vacant developed lots at the massive Carothers Crossing community east of Nolensville under contract with[…] 2016/02/23 州道44号線沿いにシニア世代用新コミュニティ計画 パナソフキープリザーブ 州道44号線に沿う幹線道路75号線の西に位置する1065エーカーの土地に大規模なシニア世代用コミュニティが計画されている。郡道475号線に位置するパナソフキープリザーブプロジェクトは、シニア用住宅2000戸、戸建住宅500戸、350棟のマンションおよび2000[…] Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>もっと読み込む</span>