ニュースルーム 全て表示202120202019201820172016種類ニュースリリースメディア掲載 メディアからのお問い合わせ 2020/06/23 ウォルトン コロラド州コロラド・スプリングス、バニング・ルイス・ランチに位置する未開発地1,262エーカーの契約を締結 The purchaser has executed an option agreement whereby this 1,262-acre master plan will be transacted in multiple phases, with dis[…] 2020/06/18 ウォルトン 成長著しいアリゾナ州クーリッジ市における宅地684筆及び土地650エーカーを売却 Walton, an international real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.39 billion of land under management an[…] 2020/06/14 不動産投資家、グレン湖にて 128 エーカーの住宅コミュニティを計画 Real Estate Investor Plans Residential Community for 128 Acres Across from Glen Lakes Walton, an international real estate invest[…] 2020/05/11 ウォルトン 2,130万カナダドルの投資家への分配が承認されたことを発表 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company, is excited to announce distributions to investors in aggregate[…] 2020/05/07 ウォルトン イリノイ州ベルビディア、ディア・ヒルズとリバーベンド・ウエストの宅地177筆を売却 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset company with US$3.8 billion under management and administration, has sold 118 resi[…] 2020/05/07 ウォルトン オンタリオ州シムコー郡における土地170エーカーの売買決済を実行 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset company with US$3.8 billion under management and administration across North Ameri[…] 2020/04/27 ビジネスブリーフケース Walton announced it sold 290 acres in the Mystic Vista and Vista Bonita master plans in Buckeye, a prime investment market where b[…] 2020/04/15 Walton Westphalia Development Corporation Reports Fiscal Year End and Fourth Quarter 2019 Fiscal Results Walton Westphalia Development Corporation announced today its results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, and for the fourth quarter of 2019. Launched in March 2012, the Corporation was formed to provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the acquisition and development of the 310-acre Westphalia Property located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, United States of America. Business Wire 2020/04/14 ウォルトン バックアイ・マスタープラン290エーカー売却に成功 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset company with US$3.8 billion under management and administration, has sold 290 acre[…] 2020/04/14 ウォルトン アリゾナ州バックアイの290エーカーを売却 Walton, a real estate investment and land asset company with $3.8 billion under management and administration, has sold 290 acres […] Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>もっと読み込む</span>