テキサス州 – オースティン南部のヘイズ郡に爆発的な人口増加

テキサス州 – オースティン南部のヘイズ郡に爆発的な人口増加

As a result of the population boom in Kyle, Buda and San Marcos, traditionally small farming towns in east Hays County could start to feel growing pains, too. Towns such as Uhland, whose recent growth began in 2013 with the Cotton Gin Estates housing development, can expect their population to double or triple within the next five to ten years,…

Hays Free Press

エドモントンのVITA AT CRYSTALLINA住宅コミュニティに新しい住宅が登場

エドモントンのVITA AT CRYSTALLINA住宅コミュニティに新しい住宅が登場

Located in north Edmonton near 82 Street and 180 Avenue, this new neighbourhood is proving to be appealing to for many Edmonton couples and families. VITA is in its first stage of development – lots in Stage 1 are currently selling at a very attractive price, and there are plenty of options still available for those looking to move into the…

Edmonton Sun