新聞中心 所有年份202120202019201820172016所有種類媒體報導新聞發佈 媒體查詢 2021/03/28 和頓出售加勒特山莊 (GARRETT SAGEWOOD) 予 D.R. HORTON 和頓很高興宣布已經與 D.R. Horton 於2021年3月8日完成了位於加里福尼亞州河濱縣門尼菲市 (City of Menifee, Riverside County, California) 的穩定收益土地收購及開發(Land Acquisition […] 2021/03/23 和頓宣佈將向RUC投資者派發$4,050萬加元收益 和頓集團宣佈將向融併企業 (Roll-Up Corporation, 簡稱 RUC) 投資者派發$4,050萬加元收益。RUC 董事會已於3月16日批准是次收益派發,而收益派發預計將於2021年4月8日進行,款項將按比例支付予公司的所有股東。 Yahoo F[…] 2021/03/23 和頓出售南加州內陸帝國372個地塊予 D.R. HORTON 作住宅開發 和頓近日於加州河濱-聖貝納迪諾-安大略大都會區出售372個地塊予全美房屋銷量最高的建築商 D.R. Horton 作住宅開發;當中276個住宅地塊位於維克多維爾市 (Victorville) 市,另外 96個住宅地塊位於莫雷諾谷市 (Moreno Valley[…] Inland Empire Business Journal 2020/12/17 和頓收購位於加利福尼亞州門尼菲市的174個地塊用於住宅開發項目 Walton has acquired 174 lots across 46.9 acres at the southwest corner of McLaughlin Road and Sun City Boulevard in Menifee, Calif[…] 2020/12/09 Walton Acquires 129 Acres for Future Development in Princeton, Texas Walton has acquired 129 acres at the southeast corner of Princeton Road and County Road #490 in Princeton, Texas, northeast of Dallas. Press Release 2020/12/07 Walton Announces a Second $9.183 Million Distribution to Investors in 2020 of Mcconachie Asset Management Corporation Walton is excited to announce on behalf of McConachie Asset Management Corporation a second distribution to investors in 2020 of $9,183,669 to be paid in December. Press Release 2020/11/20 Westphalia Dev. Corp. Reports Third Quarter 2020 Fiscal Results Westphalia Dev. Corp. (the “Corporation”) announced today its results for the third quarter of 2020. Launched in March 2012, the Corporation was formed to provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the acquisition and development of the 310-acre Westphalia Property located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, United States. Press Release 2020/11/10 Buckeye Breaks Ground on John S. Mccain Iii Elementary John S. McCain III Elementary, the 9th school of Buckeye Elementary School District, had the official groundbreaking on 4 November, 2020. The school is scheduled to open to students in August of 2021. The school will be located on land donated by the Walton Group, near Miller and Lower Buckeye Roads in Buckeye, Ariz. AZ Big Media 2020/11/01 299 Homes Coming to River Oaks in Hemet A Phoenix-based real estate firm has bought 80 acres of land in Hemet destined for 299 single-family homes in the master-planned River Oaks community. Walton paid $7 million for the property entitled for homes at the intersection of Elk Street and Thornton Avenue. The homesites range from 5,000 to 6,000 square feet with construction planned to begin in April 2021 and first homes available in early 2022, the firm said in a statement. The Sun 2020/10/20 400 Acre Site Sold in Cedar Hill, Midlothian for Homes, Commercial Development Walton purchases 400 acres site in Cedar Hill, Midlothian plans to develop a community featuring single-family homes as well as potential commercial uses. Fort Worth Business Press Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>載入更多</span>