新聞中心 所有年份202120202019201820172016所有種類媒體報導新聞發佈 媒體查詢 2020/07/02 和頓完成加利福尼亞州科切拉地區艾高斯達山莊 (ESCONDIDA POINTE) 217個住宅地塊銷售 和頓集團是一家跨國房地產投資及土地資產管理集團,持有及管理超過$33.9億美元資產,於近日簽訂收購權協議 (Option Agreement),向美國房屋建築商 D.R. Horton出售217個位於艾高斯達山莊 (Escondida Pointe) 的住宅地[…] Record Gazette 2020/06/26 和頓德克薩斯州土地出售建議獲得通過 2020年5月,由和頓亞洲客戶共同持有的准發展土地項目安德森山莊 (Anderson)獲得土地持有人投票決議通過出售方案。安德森山莊位於德克薩斯州海斯縣(Hays County, Texas),此次出售方案的買方是一家美國大型上市建築商。買方將以訂立 “收購權[…] 2020/06/23 和頓科羅拉多州土地出售方案獲得通過 Banning Lewis Ranch 總發展藍圖位於科羅拉多州科羅拉多泉埃爾帕索縣(El Paso County, Colorado),是一個占地達1,262英畝的大型綜合規劃社區,位置優越,座擁派克峰美景,社區設施完善,內有社區娛樂中心和公園。藍圖中已開發[…] 2020/06/18 Walton Sells 684 Lots and 650 Acres of Land in the Growing City of Coolidge, Ariz. Walton, an international real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.39 billion of land under management and administration, announced it has sold 684 partially finished single-family home lots in the Cross Creek development at the corner of West Vah Ki Inn and Kenworthy Roads in the growing city of Coolidge, Pinal County, Ariz. In addition, Walton sold 650 acres of pre-development land in the Sandia master-planned community located near North Signal Peak Road and Hwy 87 in Coolidge. Press Release 2020/06/14 Real Estate Investor Plans Residential Community for 128 Acres Across from Glen Lakes Real Estate Investor Plans Residential Community for 128 Acres Across from Glen Lakes Walton, an international real estate investment and land asset management company, has acquired Crystal Waters which consists of 125 acres of land for a residential planned unit development and 3.35 acres of commercial land, located at the intersection of Highway 19 and Glen Lakes Blvd. in Weeki Wachee, Hernando County, Fla. Hernando Sun 2020/05/11 Walton Announces Cad $21.3 Million Approved for Distribution to Investors Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company, is excited to announce distributions to investors in aggregate of CAD $21,315,034 have been approved in April from Walton-managed entities including: Roll-Up Corporation (RUC), McConachie Asset Management Corporation, U.S. Dollar 1 Corporation, U.S. Dollar 2 Corporation and WIGI Restructured Bond Corporation. Yahoo Finance 2020/05/07 和頓出售了馴鹿山莊和繞流西區的177個住宅地塊 近日,和頓出售了位於加拿大安大略省閃高縣歐立斯頓 (Alliston) 和托特納姆 (Tottenham) 社區附近的合共170英畝土地。此批土地出售後,和頓仍然是閃高縣重要的土地持有者,現正管理約3,200英畝土地。 Press Release[…] 2020/05/07 和頓在安大略省閃高縣出售了170英畝土地 近日,和頓出售了位於加拿大安大略省閃高縣歐立斯頓 (Alliston) 和托特納姆 (Tottenham) 社區附近的合共170英畝土地。此批土地出售後,和頓仍然是閃高縣重要的土地持有者,現正管理約3,200英畝土地。 Press Release[…] 2020/04/27 Business Briefcase Walton announced it sold 290 acres in the Mystic Vista and Vista Bonita master plans in Buckeye, a prime investment market where both high demand and growth are providing great opportunity. The company is also currently in negotiations for selling property in another Buckeye master plan to a leading national homebuilder. West Valley View 2020/04/15 Walton Westphalia Development Corporation Reports Fiscal Year End and Fourth Quarter 2019 Fiscal Results Walton Westphalia Development Corporation announced today its results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, and for the fourth quarter of 2019. Launched in March 2012, the Corporation was formed to provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the acquisition and development of the 310-acre Westphalia Property located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, United States of America. Business Wire Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>載入更多</span>