新聞中心 所有年份202120202019201820172016所有種類媒體報導新聞發佈 媒體查詢 2021/08/10 John S. McCain III 小學正式開幕 和頓很高興地宣布,位於美國發展最快的城市之一亞利桑那州白階鎮的 John S. McCain III 小學將於 2021年8月4日開學。這所學校位於247大道和下白階路附近,在和頓捐贈的 Monte Verde 土地項目內,此校是獻給已故亞利桑那州參議員約翰麥凱恩 (John S. McCain) 的。 2021/08/05 和頓向 D.R. HORTON 出售124英畝土地,預計開發178 套獨棟別墅住宅 和頓集團近日將貝克府邸 (The Reserve at Baker’s Farm) 的第二期地塊出售給全美房屋銷量最多的建築商 D.R. Horton,預計將為地區帶來178套新的獨棟別墅住宅。貝克府邸 (Baker’s Farm) 是一個佔地 178 英畝的[…] 2021/08/05 和頓推出美國住宅增長基金 (U.S. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH FUND) 以應對殷切的土地需求 和頓推出全新業務 – 美國住宅增長基金 (U.S. Residential Growth Fund),應對美國房屋建築商對土地不斷增長的需求,同時為註冊投資顧問、機構和家族辦公室投資者提供參與美國住宅市場當前增長的機會。[…] 2021/07/21 和頓與 M/I HOMES 完成275英畝北卡羅來納州土地交易 – 規劃興建300套獨棟別墅住宅 和頓近日與 M/I Homes 完成275英畝,位於北卡羅來納州康科德市的土地交易。M/I Homes 向和頓購買土地項目,計劃興建名為Annsborough Park 的住宅社區。[…] 2021/07/13 D.R. Horton 希望在 Greystone 附近增加更多聯排別墅 D.R. Horton 將在 Atria at Ridgewood Lakes 和鄰近的 Greystone West 社區建造335套聯排別墅。 2021/07/12 Walton Closes on the First Phase of Residential Lots in Varrea with D.R. Horton in Plant City, Florida Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion and more than 98,000 acres under management and administration in North America, recently announced it has closed on the first phase of residential lots in Varrea with D.R. Horton, the largest homebuilder by volume in the United States. Phase 1 marks the beginning of more than 1,900 homes that are anticipated in the master-planned community located in Plant City, Fla. 2021/07/08 U.S. Build-for-Rent Housing Joint Venture Opens Opportunity Nationwide SVN | SFR Capital Management, a private commercial real estate investment firm dedicated to the single-family Build-for-Rent (“BFR”) housing sector, and Walton Global Holdings USA announced the formation of a joint venture that will construct and operate BFR single-family residential rental home communities nationwide. The partnership anticipates new construction of multiple BFR communities annually over the next several years. The first purpose-built communities are slated to commence development in 2022 in Colorado and Texas. 2021/06/30 Walton Announces New Executives for its Global Headquarters in Scottsdale, Ariz. and National Team Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion and more than 98,000 acres under management and administration, has further expanded its executive and national team as the company continues to experience significant growth and land transaction activity throughout the U.S. 2021/06/28 Riding the rebound Speaking to MEA Finance Magazine, Tim Haywood, General Manager, Regional Vice President, Walton International Group Ltd. said that the outbreak of the pandemic has accelerated demand in the residential sector, and national home builders have seen a significant jump in home closings and quarterly earnings 2021/06/28 和頓向維諾山莊 (VERANO) 客戶派發首次遞延餘款 和頓很高興宣布將於 2021 年 6 月 29 日向穩定收益土地收購及開發 (LAD Financing) 項目維諾山莊 (Verano) 客戶派發首次遞延餘款。全美房屋銷量最高的建築商 D.R. Horton 於 Verano 住宅社區 Cielo Plac[…] Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>載入更多</span>