A MESSAGE FROM WALTON Walton is encouraged to see the new study from the Pinal AMA Groundwater Task Force revealing the potential of assured water supply in the Pinal County area. As water stakeholders continue to take innovative approaches to accommodate the...

和頓出售位於格雷森縣的1,215英畝土地 可興建逾7千套房屋
一家大型房地產投資及資產管理公司出售位於格雷森縣的1,215英畝土地,料最終可建成7,000套房屋和其周邊配套。 位於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的和頓集團管理34億美元資產,近日售出名為金百利山莊(Kimberlin Heights) 的土地項目,價格未有公開。 總部位於弗瑞斯科的 REX Real Estate 旗下的 Rex Glendenning 與 Raj Kiran Veeramachaneni, Sudheer Rabu Bagham 和 Ravi Kollipara...
和頓捐贈80英畝土地興建大學 滿足沃思堡地區教育需求
沃思堡分校第二幢教學樓開始動工 和頓集團於2014年捐贈80英畝位於德州達拉斯-沃思堡地區, 由集團持有及開發的奇澤姆徑牧場 (Chisholm Trail Ranch) 總發展藍圖內的土地予塔爾頓州立大學 (Tarleton State University, TSU),興建其沃思堡分校。TSU是德克薩斯州的公立大學,有120多年歷史,在沃思堡教學40多年後,終於建成一座專屬的常設分校。TSU 沃思堡分校第一幢十大1學大樓於2018年動工,並於2019年正式啟用。而於今年3月,TSU...
Walton Global Has Completed the Sale of 1,215 Acres in Dallas-Fort Worth Area
SCOTTSDALE (March 31, 2022) – Walton Global, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion under management, has announced the closing of the sale of 1,215 acres of land in Hunt County, Texas. The property, called Kimberlin Heights, is...
Walton Acquires 296 Acres in Fort Worth Area Adding to its Land Portfolio in Texas
Top National Home builder to Develop New Homes in the city of Crowley SCOTTSDALE (March 31, 2022) – Walton Global, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion under management, has acquired 296 acres located in Crowley, Texas, about...
與多家全國性房屋建築商合作,加速推進開發數千個新住宅單位 和頓集團是一家全球的土地資產管理及房地產投資公司,已訂立目標於2022年收購額外12,000英畝土地,相當於可興建34,000套房屋,以支援房屋建築商強大的土地需求。和頓於熱門住宅市場收購土地的策略,為房屋建築商提供合適土地。 和頓土地事務執行副總裁 Barry Dluzen...
5 Questions to Ask Your Land Investment Company
Investing can be a lucrative endeavor— according to the Bay Property Management Group, the American property management industry reached an impressive $88.4 billion in 2020. There is certainly a lot of money involved in land investment. However, it’s also...
Walton Global Plans to Acquire 2,500 Acres in Texas this Year
Walton Global already controls swathes of land in North Texas, but the firm doesn’t have any plans of slowing down as it continues to make bets on the region’s paths of growth. Walton Global is a land asset management company and global real estate investment...
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