和顿捐赠80英亩土地兴建大学   满足沃思堡地区教育需求

和顿捐赠80英亩土地兴建大学 满足沃思堡地区教育需求

沃思堡分校第二栋教学楼开始动工 和顿集团于2014年捐赠80英亩位于德州达拉斯-沃思堡地区, 由集团持有及开发的奇泽姆径牧场 (Chisholm Trail Ranch) 总发展蓝图内的土地予塔尔顿州立大学 (Tarleton State University, TSU),兴建其沃思堡分校。TSU是德克萨斯州的公立大学,有120多年历史,在沃思堡教学40多年后,终于建成一座专属的常设分校。TSU 沃思堡分校第一栋教学大楼于2018年动工,并于2019年正式启用。而于今年3月,TSU...


与多家全国性房屋建筑商合作,加速推进开发数千个新住宅单位 和顿集团是一家全球的土地资产管理及房地产投资公司,已订立目标于2022年收购额外12,000英亩土地,相当于可兴建34,000套房屋,以支援房屋建筑商强大的土地需求。和顿于热门住宅市场收购土地的策略,为房屋建筑商提供合适土地。 和顿土地事务执行副总裁 Barry Dluzen...
5 Questions to Ask Your Land Investment Company

5 Questions to Ask Your Land Investment Company

Investing can be a lucrative endeavor— according to the Bay Property Management Group, the American property management industry reached an impressive $88.4 billion in 2020. There is certainly a lot of money involved in land investment. However, it’s also...
Walton Global Plans to Acquire 2,500 Acres in Texas this Year

Walton Global Plans to Acquire 2,500 Acres in Texas this Year

Walton Global already controls swathes of land in North Texas, but the firm doesn’t have any plans of slowing down as it continues to make bets on the region’s paths of growth. Walton Global is a land asset management company and global real estate investment...