Mixed-use development along Chisholm Trail Parkway will have 3,800 new homes
Resting on more than 1,700 acres to the southwest of Fort Worth, the property known as Rock Creek Ranch promises to become another wave of major development along Chisholm Trail Parkway with about 3,800 homes planned in single-family development alone. Walton Global...
Walton Acquires 217 Acres in Piedmont, Adding to its Growing Land Portfolio in North Carolina
The acquisition was facilitated by Land Advisors Organization’s Charlotte office SCOTTSDALE (February 2, 2022) – Walton has acquired 217 acres in the Piedmont area of NC, which is approximately 20 minutes west of Charlotte in Gaston County. The global real...
Walton Launches Capital Markets Business Line with Two New Land Funds
Walton Global, a land asset management and global real estate investment company, has launched its U.S. capital markets business line with two new private placement funds that aim to support the “escalating need for land” by U.S. homebuilders. The Regulation D 506 (c)...
總部位於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的北美領先土地資產管理和房地產投資公司和頓集團 (Walton Global),最近宣布推出其美國資本市場業務線和兩項新基金,旨在支持美國住宅建築商對土地不斷上升的需求,為註冊投資顧問、經紀交易商、美國各地的機構和家族理財室投資者提供參與持續增長的美國住宅市場的機會。下面將介紹支持此業務的美國資本市場團隊。 和頓在土地行業擁有超過42年的經驗,持有超過86,000英畝的美國土地資產,再加上與大多數美國頂級住宅建築商建立的合作關係,使和頓處於美國房地產和投資市場上擁有絕佳的位置。 和頓資本市場執行副總裁...
Oakwood Homes 完成了將 Banning Lewis Ranch 中93個住宅地塊出售予 Richmond American Homes 的交易
企業快訊 – Oakwood Homes 將其與和頓在2020年簽署的分階段地塊收購權協議,劃出一部分地塊,出售予建築商 Richmond American Homes。住宅建設預計將於2023年動工。 和頓於2020年初與 Oakwood Homes 簽訂了一份約1,300英畝的分階段地塊收購權協議。Oakwood Homes 計劃將分多個階段收購住宅地塊並建造住宅。 和頓的土地事務高級副總裁 Jen Ruby 表示:「和頓很高興 Banning Lewis Ranch 綜合規劃社區有新的建築商參與開發,我們期待...
D.R. Horton Begins Home Development for First Phase in Varrea in Plant City, Fla.
CORPORATE RELEASE: D.R. Horton, the largest homebuilder by volume in the U.S., started its first phase of home development last month that is expected to deliver over 1,900 affordable homes to the Plant City, Fla. community with home prices ranging in the low $300s....
50 Real Estate Companies to Watch in 2022
Arizona is scorching hot, and we’re not talking about the weather. Following 2020’s uncertainty, the commercial real estate (CRE) industry showed no signs of slowing down in 2021, with many commercial real estate companies reporting unprecedented amounts of business,...
和頓與 Meritage Homes 完成德克薩斯州奇澤姆徑牧場 (Chisholm Trail Ranch) 118英畝的土地交易
和頓宣佈與德克薩斯州的Meritage Homes完成了沃斯堡市 (City of Fort Worth) 118英畝的土地交易。是次交易表示奇澤姆徑牧場 (Chisholm Trail Ranch) 綜合規劃社區項目已經開發至最後階段,並達到了發展的頂峰。 這個龐大的綜合規劃社區位於沃斯堡的克勞利獨立校區內,奇澤姆徑牧場 (Chisholm Trail Ranch) 坐落於Chisholm Trail Parkway沿線,距離 Alliance Town Center 或沃斯堡市中心不到30分鐘的車程。...
Top National Homebuilder Executes Option Agreement with Walton for Homesites in Inland Empire, Calif.
A residential exit-focused option agreement has been fully executed with a national homebuilder who will develop 337 single-family homesites located in the Las Colinas Village community in San Jacinto, Calif.
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