John S. McCain III 小学正式开幕

John S. McCain III 小学正式开幕

和顿很高兴地宣布,位于美国发展最快的城市之一亚利桑那州白阶镇的 John S. McCain III 小学将于 2021年8月4日开学。这所学校位于247大道和下白阶路附近,在和顿捐赠的 Monte Verde 土地项目内,此校是献给已故亚利桑那州参议员约翰麦凯恩 (John S. McCain) 的。

Walton Closes on the First Phase of Residential Lots in Varrea with D.R. Horton in Plant City, Florida

Walton Closes on the First Phase of Residential Lots in Varrea with D.R. Horton in Plant City, Florida

Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion and more than 98,000 acres under management and administration in North America, recently announced it has closed on the first phase of residential lots in Varrea with D.R. Horton, the largest homebuilder by volume in the United States. Phase 1 marks the beginning of more than 1,900 homes that are anticipated in the master-planned community located in Plant City, Fla.