Riding the rebound

Riding the rebound

Speaking to MEA Finance Magazine, Tim Haywood, General Manager, Regional Vice President, Walton International Group Ltd. said that the outbreak of the pandemic has accelerated demand in the residential sector, and national home builders have seen a significant jump in home closings and quarterly earnings

和顿向维诺山庄 (VERANO) 客户派发首次递延余款

和顿向维诺山庄 (VERANO) 客户派发首次递延余款

和顿很高兴宣布将于 2021 年 6 月 29 日向稳定收益土地收购及开发 (LAD Financing) 项目维诺山庄 (Verano) 客户派发首次递延余款。全美房屋销量最高的建筑商 D.R. Horton 于 Verano 住宅社区 Cielo Place 完成6套房屋的销售,故为投资者带来是次递延余款派发。

美国可开发土地短缺 将会带来什么影响?

美国可开发土地短缺 将会带来什么影响?

和顿投资组合管理和战略关系执行副总裁 Paul Megler 于美国著名房地产资讯媒体 Builder Online 发布了一则房地产市场评论,分响了影响全美可开发土地可用性的因素。

Walton Enters into Option Agreements with National Builders for $63.2 million in U.S. Land Funds

Walton Enters into Option Agreements with National Builders for $63.2 million in U.S. Land Funds

Walton is pleased to announce the results of the Special Meeting of Limited Partners held for Walton U.S. Land Fund 4, LP (USLF4) and Walton U.S. Land Fund 2, LP (USLF2).  The two separate meetings held in April 2021 resulted in approval of residential option agreements with national builders for an aggregate of approximately 1,235 acres with a value of $63.2 million, representing all or portions of the Rock Creek Ranch, Bellehaven and West Creek properties, in which USLF 4 owns an interest, and the Redwood Valley property, in which USLF2 owns an interest.  



和顿集团近日与一家大型全国性房屋建筑商在加利福尼亚州内陆帝国河滨县(Riverside County)收购了占地34英亩规划为住宅用途的土地。该项目位于加利福尼亚州圣哈辛托(San Jacinto)的休伊特街 (Hewitt Street ) 以西和东联邦街 (East Commonwealth Street) 以南。