国际投资公司在锡达希尔市 (CEDAR HILL) 收购了大片土地
The Dallas Morning News
Oct 20, 2020
The Dallas Morning News
Oct 18, 2020
和顿是一间房地产投资和土地资产管理公司,在北美管理近$33.9亿美元的资产,公司最近出售了位于佛罗里达州赫尔南多县的Hernando Oaks综合规划小区内的162.5英亩土地,并将继续代表新的土地持有人管理项目。
Oct 6, 2020
符合伊斯兰教法的房地产投资在伊斯兰金融地区为投资者提供更加多元化的投资组合。全球房地产资产管理公司和顿集团总经理兼区域副总裁Tim Haywood与伊斯兰银行和伊斯兰金融顾问公司Amanie Advisors一同向MEA Finance揭开该投资机遇在伊斯兰金融市场不断增长的故事。
MEA Finance
Sep 3, 2020
The Walton Group of Companies (“Walton”), an international real estate investment company specializing in providing innovative land-based real estate products concentrated on major North American growth corridors, announced that its Exit-Focused Land investment has been endorsed by the Amanie Shariah Supervisory Board (“Amanie”) as a Shariah-compliant investment product.
Yahoo Finance
Sep 2, 2020
A big real estate investor says it’s moving ahead with plans to get 337 single-family homes built in San Jacinto. Walton Group, a Canadian company relocating its headquarters to Arizona, says it has a deal with “a national homebuilder” to move forward with the entitlement process on 94 acres of Riverside County land off Ramona Expressway near Mt. San Jacinto College.
The Press-Enterprise
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