新闻中心 所有年份202120202019201820172016所有种类媒体报道新闻发布 媒体查询 2022/01/17 Top National Homebuilder Executives Option Agreement with Walton for Homesites in Inland Empire, Calif. CORPORATE RELEASE: Walton is pleased to announce that a residential exit-focused option agreement has been fully executed with a national homebuilder […] 2022/01/17 WALTON ACQUIRES 94 ACRES IN HEMET, CALIF. ADDING TO ITS LAND PORTFOLIO IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY SCOTTSDALE – Walton, a real estate investment and land asset management company with US$3.4 billion under management, has acquired 94 acres […] 2021/12/06 A New Approach To The New U.S. Housing Reality The housing market in the U.S. has been hot property for well over a year already. With land increasingly hard to come by and mortgage rates still at near-record lows, demand has surged since the start of the pandemic – and with it, home prices. MEA Finance 2021/12/06 Walton Acquires 94 Acres in Hemet, Calif. Adding to its Land Portolio In Riverside County Walton has secured interest from a top national homebuilder in the form of a letter of intent for the pre-development land known as Simpson. 2021/11/15 [ OLD ] Builders Are Heading South of Dallas for a Residential Community with Hundreds of Homes Builders are heading south of Dallas for a residential community with hundreds of homes. Arlington-based D.R. Horton just purchased land […] 2021/11/04 和顿与 D.R. HORTON 完成达拉斯大都会区215 英亩的土地交易 第一阶段的土地开发将包括约830个住宅地块[…] 2021/10/29 和顿完成亚利桑那州白阶镇蒙特柏山庄 (Monte Verde) 246英亩的土地交易 和顿很高兴宣布完成亚利桑那州马里科帕县白阶镇蒙特柏山庄 (Monte Verde) 综合规划社区中的土地交易。交易已于稍早时间获得和顿管理的融并企业 Roll-up Corporation (RUC) 批准。 2021/10/22 和顿完成亚利桑那州加扎・古兰德市占地319英亩的土地交易 预计投资者将获派发约1,300 万美元的总收益。[…] 2021/10/21 和顿与 OAKWOOD HOMES 完成位于科罗拉多斯泉 BANNING LEWIS RANCH 总发展蓝图内的第二期交易 和顿与 Clayton Properties Group 的子公司 Oakwood Homes 完成 58 英亩位于 Banning Lewis Ranch 总发展蓝图内的土地。[…] 2021/10/15 D.R. HORTON 向和顿收购乔治亚州麦迪逊的44英亩土地 和顿近日与美国按销量排名最大的住宅建筑商 D.R. Horton 完成位于在乔治亚州麦迪逊的44 英亩土地交易。[…] Pages: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<span>加载更多</span>